Muff was a mother's help for some distant relative of ours, but I don't think I dare go into the details of that. Anyway, whoever she was, she makes AMAZING flapjack. It is actually the best flapjack I have ever eaten, and I have had some pretty good flapjack. The recipe is, or course, from Muff, via my Granny. Granny used to feed my brother and I this flapjack every week on the way to our riding lesson, but then we didn't have it for a few years until I extracted the recipe from her the other week, in need of provisions for a particularly wet and wild canoe trip.
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius
2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the brown sugar
3. When the sugar has dissolved, bubble for 1-2 minutes
4. Remove from heat and stir in the oats and baking powder
5. Pour into a lined tin and bake for 10 minutes only (It hardens as it cools)
6. Remove from oven and cut when cool but not cold
7. Leave to cool completely in a tin